Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Conversations | Premiere | Artist Talk | Julio Le Parc

On the occasion of Julio Le Parc’s major exhibition at the Pérez Art Museum Miami (PAMM), he talks with Estrellita B. Brodsky, curator of Julio Le Parc’s exhibition at PAMM. Le Parc, born in Argentina in 1928, has lived in Paris since 1958, where he became a leading voice among artist-activists and a pioneer in the use of light and color. He is a founding member of the artist collective Groupe de Recherche d’Art Visuel (GRAV) and his experimental work is central to the Op and Kinetic art movements. He set out to challenge existing structures and systems by way of the unmediated experience – by shifting individuals’ perceptions.

Julio Le Parc, Artist, Paris, in conversation with Dr. Estrellita B. Brodsky, Guest Curator ‘Julio Le Parc: Form into Action', Pérez Art Museum Miami (PAMM), Miami

Date: Thursday, December 1, 2016, 10am to 11:30am

Filmed on site at Art Basel in Miami Beach 2016

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